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AR-6 Stinger II

The Stinger II comes with a rear sight and front sight, a luminous front sight helps you aim

Additionally, there are various ways to upgrade your Stinger:
- red laser < 1 mW for the accessory compartment in the Stinger magazine
- green laser < 5 mW for mounting with universal bracket on the magazine
- Red dot sight for direct mounting on the Picatinny rail on the magazine
- Rifle scope for direct mounting on the Picatinny rail on the magazine cover or on the lock of the Survival

The performance, the color, the use and the assembly.
- The red laser is built directly into the magazine, has an output of < 1 mW and is mainly used for indoor shooting and/or dim or dark conditions.
- The green laser is attached to the side of the magazine, has an output of < 5 mW and is mainly used for shooting in daylight. In general, our eyes can see green much better than red, which is also reflected in the use of the laser point in daylight. While you can still see the green point very well, the red one is practically invisible to your eye.

To install it, you just need to push out the bolt on the cover and remove the cover. Then you can loosen the six screws and you will have the two half shells of the magazine in your hand. Insert the laser, but first test whether it is working. Reassemble the magazine and carefully tighten the screws. Finally, put the cover on and push in the bolt.

You can find the video for assembly here:

Installation of the red laser

There are three small screws on the head of the laser. The matching Allen key is already included in the Stinger set. The three screws are arranged in a circle on the side of the laser head. Please work with small movements. You aim at a surface and see how far the laser point deviates from the rear sight and front sight. Now you know in which direction you have to move the point. Loosen the screw in the appropriate direction and fix it again with the other two. As I said, please only make small changes, otherwise this adjustment can quickly become tedious.

Here is the video:

Adjusting the red laser

Here's what you can do:
- Check if the batteries still have enough power.
- Make sure that the rear piece where the switch is located is screwed well into the laser housing.
- Make sure that the three screws at the front of the laser are properly tightened and making contact.
- Use some contact cleaner to spray both sides of the switch.

To install it, all you have to do is push out the bolt on the cover and remove the cover. Then you can loosen the six screws and have the two half shells of the magazine in your hand. The necessary holes are drilled with a 4mm drill. Fasten the universal bracket with screws and nuts. Reassemble the magazine and carefully tighten the screws. Finally, put the cover on and push in the bolt.

Here is the video for installation:

Mounting the green laser

There are two screws on the laser. These are used to adjust the position vertically and horizontally. There is also a small worm screw in the holder. This is used to correct the distance of the holder if necessary.

Here is the video:

Adjusting the green laser

For tactical or survival, you can use all types of limbs up to and including 120 lbs. It all depends on what you want to do. The 35 lbs limb is suitable for very simple tensioning, the 120 lbs for maximum performance and the included 55 lbs limb is the perfect all-rounder.

The 150 lbs HUNTING limb is suitable exclusively for survival.

For the Compact we recommend the 35 lbs limb, which is already included in the set. If you want more power, you can of course upgrade to the 55 lbs.

You hold the string firmly and we mean really firmly! Then you pull the trigger and let the string slide forward slowly. Don't dry-fire! Not even when using the cocking aid! You can also release the cocking aid in the same way.

Just watch our video:

How do I relax my stingers

Here you can find the video for the tendon installation:

How do I mount the string

The black/orange string is suitable for all AR-Series limb types up to and including 90 lbs (AR-6 Stinger I and AR-6 Stinger II).

The anthracite string is suitable for all limb types of the AR series from 90 lbs (AR-6 Stinger I and AR-6 Stinger II).

Yes, the string is a classic wear part on a crossbow. The first string in particular has a significantly shorter lifespan than subsequent ones. As the stingers are used, the edges round off over time. This means that the strings used later are subjected to less stress. You can smooth out sharp edges, especially the rear position where the string is held after the stringing process, with a file or sandpaper.

A clean and well-maintained crossbow, as well as a lubricated rail, also contribute to a significantly longer service life.

For the Stinger there is:
- blue practice arrows
- black bodkin arrows with hardened steel tip
- red hunting arrows with fixed hunting tip
- Carbon sport arrows light and heavy (marked in blue)
- Carbon Bodkin arrows light and heavy (marked black)
- Carbon hunting arrows light and heavy (marked in red)
- Carbon war arrows light and heavy (marked green)

Yes, it works without any problems, even with the quick charger.

Shipping Information

The flat rate shipping cost in Austria is € 4.95 including packaging.

The flat rate shipping costs in Germany start at € 5.49 including packaging.

For orders over €60, shipping and packaging are free.

The flat rate shipping cost to EU countries (except Germany) is € 15.95 including packaging.

Delivery to Austria & Germany usually takes place within 2-4 working days after receipt of the order.

Shipping to the EU usually takes about 3-8 working days.

We ship with DHL and DPD.

We currently ship to Austria, Germany and the rest of the EU.

Payment Information

All common payment options are possible.

Your data is safe with us. We only work with well-known payment companies.

Return information

You can return your order within 14 days. The item must be in its original packaging and must not show any signs of use.

If you find any defects in the product quality, you have the option of returning the item to us within 14 days.

The return costs are usually borne by the buyer unless there is a defect or a manufacturing error.


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